واحد درایو فشرده - SEW - MGFAS4-DSM

MOVIGEAR® is the next logical step in the development of the economically and technically successful concept of decentralized drive systems


MOVIGEAR® is the next logical step in the development of the economically and technically successful concept of decentralized drive systems.

In addition to the enhanced features accompanied with MOVIGEAR®, benefits such as the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and implementing a decentralized system will demonstrate the true value of what MOVIGEAR® can deliver. A decentralized structure can save you up to a 60% reduction in installation costs, especially in extremely large production plants, decentralized installation concepts can cut costs considerably.


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واحد درایو فشرده - SEW MGFAS2-DSM

واحد درایو فشرده - SEW MGFAS4-DSM